About Julie
Julie is French and arrived in the UK in 1998 to pursue a career in finance. She is married and has two young children.
Julie first experienced osteopathy as a patient through the beneficial treatment of her neck injury caused by a horse-riding accident. The osteopathic treatment of her babyboy’s colic and reflux inspired her to research the subject of osteopathy and its benefits and make a drastic change of careers to become an osteopath.
In the process she also gained qualifications in:
-sports injuries and massage therapy
-the use of Western acupuncture as a complement to osteopathic treatment.
She won a scholarship for post-grad studies at the Sutherland Cranial College while in her final year at the London School of Osteopathy.
She has obtained a Masters in Osteopathy with Merit, and is registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC). She is a member of the Institute of Osteopathy (formerly known as the British Osteopathic Association).
She has undertaken several post-graduate courses in cranial osteopathy at the Sutherland Cranial College. She regularly attends osteopathy workshops, including paediatric osteopathy with Miranda Clayton, DO and osteopathic seminars with David Lintonbon, DO. She has also completed the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute instructor course and also her level I Vinyasa Yoga teacher qualification with David Lurey and Mirjam Wagner (March 2018). More recently Julie completed a number of training courses including Data Security, Safeguarding, Health Protection and Psychological First Aid while working with the NHS and Public Health England during the pandemic. She is keeping up to date with best practice guidelines from the Institute of Osteopathy on infection prevention and control, and uses personal protective equipment to keep her patients and herself as safe as possible.
Julie adapts her osteopathic treatment and rehab exercises to each patient’s specific needs and she combines structural and/or cranial osteopathy with acupuncture when necessary or requested by her patients.
Her particular areas of interest include: sports injury patterns, the physiology and treatment of acute/chronic pain, the treatment of babies and pregnancy-related strains.
In her spare time Julie is a keen rock-climber, cold water swimming enthusiast and practices yoga regularly to keep fit and healthy.
For appointments: Call Julie on 07967 666 169 or email: julie@theprimarycurve.co.uk
© 2014 Gar Powell-Evans